News 2016
The AGM was held and the Chairman, Jaco Scholtz, gave an overview of the activities of the Society over the past year before the Treasurer, Mark Craddock, presented a review of the Society finances. Jayson Jacobs was elected as the Deputy Chairman of the Society. New committee members proposed were introduced. The new members are Seamus McGonigal (Hatch), Ernst Bekker (Multotec), Herman Oosthuizen (DRA) and Jaco de Klerk (South 32).
The AGM was followed by a presentation entitled “Background to thickeners and flocculation” and was presented by Mark Craddock.
News 2016
The first meeting of 2016 was started off with a presentation by InnoVenton’s Professor Ben Zeelie who spoke on the Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University’s Coalgae project. Barney Bai (Favorsea) thereafter gave a presentation of the Dry Dense Medium Plant in operation at Shenhua in China. Johan de Korte then presented on new developments in coal preparation.
News 2017
The first meeting of 2017 was well attended and the proceedings for the afternoon was initiated by Johan de Klerk of ThyssenKrupp with a presentation entitled “Screening Technology”. This was followed by Jean Makola of Derrick Corporation with his presentation “Recent Derrick® Screening Advances in African Coal Industries”. The third presentation was “Radar Technology in the Mining Environment” presented by Werner Nehrling of Indurad GmbH. ThyssenKrupp Industrial Solutions SA kindly sponsored the refreshments.
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