24 January 2019

The first technical meeting of 2019 took place on 24 January with presentations being given by Sipho Sikhosana (Exxaro) etitled ‘Exxaro’s new Belfast plant’ and ‘Fine coal processing – RC or Spirals?’ presented by Johan de Korte.  If you are interested in receiving more information of these presentations please contact Johan de Korte on johan.korte@sacoalprep.co.za

14 March 2019

The second technical meeting of the year took place on 14 March 2019 and the presentation that was given was titled “The new 400 tph Canyon Coal – Khanye Colliery wash plant” and was presented by Lambert Taute (Obsideo Consulting) & Mark Berger (Isimilo).  If you are interested in receiving more information on the presentation, please contact Johan de Korte on johan.dekorte@sacoalprep.co.za

22 November 2018

Elmarie Pieters presented her final project presentation as a bursary student at the technical meeting in November 2018. Her presentation titled “Coal Benefication” covered the dry beneficiation of -13.2mm +0.5mm South African coal using an air dense medium fluidization bed.

The main aim of her study was to investigate the influence of operating parameters (PSD, coal to medium ratio and vibration) on the performance of an ADMFB coal separator when feeding -13.2mm South African ROM coals.  Her full presentation can be obtained from Johan de Korte on johan.dekorte@sacoalprep.co.za