News 2016
Werner Heenop from VBKom gave a presentation entitled “User specific software for the management of complex processes”. This was followed by Len Bowker from the CTC who gave an update on the status of coal preparation training at the CTC. The third speaker for the afternoon was Professor Quentin Campbell from the North West University (NWU) who presented “The effect of the mode of breakage on Moatize coal yield” on behalf of Wilmeri Potgieter, a post-graduate student at NWU. The refreshments after the presentations were sponsored by the Society.
News 2016
Professor Quentin Campbell of North West University gave an interesting account on coal breakage studies conducted at the university. This was followed by Mark Cresswell of DRA who explained the complications of choosing the right crushing circuit for large modern coal processing plants. Johan de Korte then gave a brief feedback on the 18th ICPC which was held in St. Petersburg, Russia at the end of June 2016.
News 2016
The Coal Metallurgists and Plant Operators Workshop,”Raw coal & fine coal processing technology”, was held at the Middelburg Country Club on this day. The workshop was very well attended and declared successful by all those present.
News 2016
Keith Buttemer of Scanmin Africa gave two presentations entitled “Understanding DUET, Natural gamma, PGNAA, PFTNA XRF and Nita” (methods employed for on-line coal analysis) followed by “Case study of mechanical samples collected compared to the analyser and dealing with the analyser and inter laboratory statistical analysis”. This was followed by Pieter Erasmus who gave a presentation on “Selective laboratory sampling data and the use of it in the calibration and verification of on line analyser dynamic performance”. Scanmin Africa sponsored the refreshments enjoyed afterwards.
News 2016
The afternoon’s meeting was very well attended and two very topical presentations were delivered. Jonathan Stewart of Exxaro presented an ‘Update on briquetting of fine coal at Mafube Colliery’ after which Morné Kruger of Enprotec gave a presentation entitled ‘Fine coal dewatering – case studies’. Enprotec kindly sponsored the rerfreshments enjoyed afterwards.
News 2016
The AGM was held and the Chairman, Jaco Scholtz, gave an overview of the activities of the Society over the past year before the Treasurer, Mark Craddock, presented a review of the Society finances. Jayson Jacobs was elected as the Deputy Chairman of the Society. New committee members proposed were introduced. The new members are Seamus McGonigal (Hatch), Ernst Bekker (Multotec), Herman Oosthuizen (DRA) and Jaco de Klerk (South 32).
The AGM was followed by a presentation entitled “Background to thickeners and flocculation” and was presented by Mark Craddock.
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